Saturday, December 19, 2020

About My Family

Since this is my first post, I decided I should write a little about my family to help any readers get to know us all a little better and hopefully understand some decisions that have been made. That sounds terribly foreboding, I know. It's not as bad as it sounds, though. At least, not in most cases.

My name is Asher Ely Middleton V. Just after my birthday upon growing into young adulthood, I married my high school sweetheart Gianna Adair, daughter of Beckett and Sadie Jayne (Delatore) Adair. Unfortunately, Beckett left us not long ago, but Sadie Jayne is still with us. A lot. Almost every day. I'm glad Gianna has her mother still around and able to visit. I like Sadie Jayne, but she can be a bit much sometimes. I didn't know Beckett well, but he and I did get along well and I'll miss having drinks with him at our cookouts.

Gianna is a wonderful woman and I don't mind risking sounding mushy when I say she is a true gem and the love of my life. I'm a lucky man. Like everyone, she does have her faults. She is known to have sticky fingers from time to time and occasionally one might find an item to two missing from their home after she visits, but like I said, we all have our faults. While some might only see her as a greedy thief, having known her since we were children, I also see her quiet, thoughtful side. The side who can draw the kindness out of anyone. The side that can turn anything and anyone into an artful muse which she then brings to life on canvas with astonishing intricacy. Like me, she is a deep thinker, but she has creative visionary skills that bring her artistry potential to an even higher level. As you can see, she has many wonderful qualities, but to me, her best are her ability to keep her emotions in check as she helps me do the same with mine all while being an amazing mother to our five children. 

We have five children. Five. I didn't expect to have such a large family, but fate will do what it will. Our four oldest children are two sets of twins. I had gotten so used to having twins that I was surprised when our baby came along all by herself. All five children are girls and while I love them dearly, I do hope to have a son to carry on the family name. I haven't done all of the things my father and his father and grandfathers before him expected of me, so I would like to do this one most important thing and have a son to continue on our legacy. So, even with five children, we're not done growing our family just yet.

Our two oldest children are Cayla Ann and Adelaide Leanne, adorable little redheads who just grew out of toddlerhood and started elementary school. Cayla, our firstborn, is rambunctious and determined to make an adventure out of any situation. I'm certain she'll travel the world some day. Adelaide has decided she is a boy and insists we call her only Ad and use he/him pronouns so we do. Who are we do say who our children are? We don't own them and we do respect them. Ad declared all this to us (confidently and strongly, I'm proud to say) what seemed like the very day he was able to form a full sentence. The next day, Gianna took him shopping in the "boy" section and Ad gave Cayla all his "girlie" clothes. Ad's IQ has tested into the genius level, he's our little brain. Even I have found myself turning to him when I'm struggling with understanding something I've read or seen on the television.

When Cayla and Ad were still toddlers themselves, Karly Jayne and Kendra Alexia were born. Karly has the most beautiful little blonde curls I've ever seen and although Kendra's hair hasn't grown quite as long, it's easy to see that she'll have the same little blonde curls as her twin sister. These two are inseparable and guaranteed if you see one, the other is nearby. They are a bit clingy, but they're both so sweet we don't mind at all and we love every single moment.

Brenna Sadie is our beautiful baby girl who was born just yesterday. She cries more than her sisters did and she keeps us on our toes, stealing our sleep, but she also stole our hearts so it's a fair trade.

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